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Medical Articles

    Dunbar Medical Partners With The Toronto Rock

    Dunbar Medical Partners With The Toronto Rock

    Dunbar MedicalNov 13, 20171 min read

    Dunbar Medical is pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement to be the official supplier of medical products to the National Lacrosse League’s (NLL) Toronto Rock.  As the official…

    Four Benefits Of Using An Ankle Brace For Sprains

    Four Benefits Of Using An Ankle Brace For Sprains

    Dunbar MedicalOct 29, 20171 min read

    If you’ve had the misfortune of experiencing an ankle sprain, you know that it can wreak havoc on your body and quality of life. It is extremely important to pay…

    How Compression Stockings Work

    How Compression Stockings Work

    Dunbar MedicalOct 21, 20171 min read

    In recent years, compression clothing has become the new buzzword in the world of sports medicine. Compression wear can take many forms including compression socks, compression stockings or compression shorts.…

    How To Choose The Best Knee Brace For Running

    How To Choose The Best Knee Brace For Running

    Dunbar MedicalSep 29, 20171 min read

    Knee pain is a familiar foe to most avid runners. In fact, about 40 percent of running injuries are knee injuries and 13 percent of runners have experienced knee pain…

    Four Ways Wearing A Back Brace Now Can Save Pain Later

    Four Ways A Back Brace Can Prevent Future Back Pain

    Dunbar MedicalSep 20, 20171 min read

    When most people hear the phrase ‘back brace’ they usually associate it with aches, pains and misery, but it’s time this negative connotation ended. Investing in a back brace and…

    Unhappy woman with elbow/forearm pain being examined by doctor

    Young Athletes And Elbow Injuries: 3 Important Facts To Know

    Dunbar MedicalSep 10, 20175 min read

    It is no secret that children are becoming involved in high-level training and sports at younger ages than previously. Kids are also beginning to specialize in their chosen sports at…

    Bio Skin Wrist Brace

    The Benefits And Risks Of Wearing A Wrist Brace

    Dunbar MedicalSep 1, 20175 min read

    There is no such thing as one-size-fits-all when it comes to guiding an individual through the injury recovery process, especially when it comes to the wrist. What may work for…

    How does Kinesio Tape work?

    How Does Kinesio Tape Work?

    Dunbar MedicalAug 21, 20171 min read

    In this post, we briefly trace the history of Kinesio taping from its origins almost 40 years ago. We also briefly examine the principles behind the use of traditional athletic tape,…