Treating Diabetic Wounds & Ulcers

Treating Diabetic Wounds & Ulcers

Diabetes is essentially a pathological condition in which the body’s ability to break down sugar is compromised. The increased blood sugar causes white blood cells to become less effective making it difficult for wounds to heal. Diabetic wounds and cuts are common and, for a diabetic patient,  can cause severe life—threatening problems. Diabetic foot wounds…

4 Signs that your Clinic Needs a Treatment Table Upgrade

4 Signs that your Clinic Needs a Treatment Table Upgrade

Treatment tables are used in various medical practices and clinics, such as pediatric clinics, chiropractic tables, and many others. An important thing to consider in your treatment table is the configuration of the table. If you are using a table that is not completely compatible with the kind of treatment that you are offering, it…

5 Ways to Increase Patient Repeat Visits

5 Ways to Increase Patient Repeat Visits

The success of medical facilities such as general clinics, rehabilitation clinics, and physiotherapist clinics relies greatly on their ability to increase repeat visits from patients. Clinic visits can frequently be associated with negative and painful experiences since patients usually arrive in pain and suffering from various health problems. According to studies, patients prefer to go…

Compression Hosiery Use For Various Treatments

Compression Hosiery Use For Various Treatments

Compression hosiery is an effective way to improve the blood flow. It is a common practice used in the therapies of several medical conditions. The primary function of the compression hosiery or stockings is to squeeze the area gently which allows the blood to move. It can effectively prevent the complications, such as blood clots…

How Off Loading Footwear Works

How Off Loading Footwear Works

Recovering from surgery and wounds can be a long and painful process as your feet are incredibly sensitive and prone to swelling, particularly after an  injury, operation or procedure. Special, orthopaedic footwear can help ease and speed recovery. Investing in an off loading wound-care shoe or a post-op shoe can provide ample protection and keep…

Spinal Traction Therapy: Questions & Answers

Spinal Traction Therapy: Questions & Answers

Chronic back pain can be very demoralizing and can disrupt your life in profound ways. Back pain can be the result of many different injuries and conditions suffered through sporting or lifestyle incidents. There are several methods to treat back pain, injuries and health conditions, but patients who are concerned with the continual use of…

Things To Know About Wrist Injury Braces

Things To Know About Wrist Injury Braces

Wrist injuries are among the most common upper limb problems athletes experience while training or competing. Wrist injuries can occur from trauma, such as being hit or from falling, repetitive movements, or extended hand use. There are several methods used to help athletes recover from wrist injuries, however one of the most common and effective…