How To Establish A New Patient Register For Your Clinic

How To Establish A New Patient Register For Your Clinic

If you have recently opened a clinic, you will by now have come to appreciate the importance of running it efficiently while providing your clients with outstanding service. A medical practice is a business but at the same time, it provides unique services that affect clients in probably the most personal aspect of their lives. …

4 Ways To Improve Patient Compliance In Physical Therapy

4 Ways To Improve Patient Compliance In Physical Therapy

Patient compliance is a term that refers to the extent to which a patient correctly follows the medical advice he or she receives from a healthcare professional. It frequently refers to the extent to which the patient will take the medication prescribed but is also applicable to the correct use of medical devices or the…

4 Useful Ways To Improve Patient Compliance At Home

4 Useful Ways To Improve Patient Compliance At Home

A home injury recovery success story always requires at least two people. You can be the best physiotherapist in the world, but if your patients don’t fulfill their end of the bargain by thoroughly completing their home rehabilitation programs, the whole process is bound for failure. Patient compliance is key. Ensuring a patient is diligent…