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Medical Articles

    Three Reasons To Wear An Ankle Brace In Toronto

    Three Reasons To Wear An Ankle Brace In Toronto

    Dunbar MedicalDec 24, 20171 min read

    Hogtown, The Big Smoke, T.O; whatever you call Toronto, there’s…

    BioSkin Back Flex

    Six Ways To Use A Back Brace To Prevent Injury

    Dunbar MedicalDec 17, 20171 min read

    The back is one of the most commonly injured body…

    BaseBall Player

    Four Reasons To Wear An Ankle Brace For Baseball

    Dunbar MedicalDec 17, 20171 min read

    Baseball has a long tradition of sportsmanship, producing entertaining games…

    Best Ankle Brace For Running

    Five Ways An Ankle Brace For Running Aids Injury Recovery

    Dunbar MedicalDec 8, 20171 min read

    An ankle injury is just about the most devastating health…

    Knee Brace For BasketBall

    How To Choose A Knee Brace for Basketball

    Dunbar MedicalNov 21, 20171 min read

    Knee injuries like sprains, tears and tendonitis account for at…

    How Cold Therapy Works

    How Cold Therapy Works

    Dunbar MedicalNov 16, 20171 min read

    If you’ve ever played a sport or taken up an…

    Man wearing tennis elbow brace

    Choosing An Elbow Brace For Tennis Elbow: 3 Important Things To Know

    Dunbar MedicalNov 16, 20175 min read

    Tennis elbow is the more commonly used name for lateral…

    Dunbar Medical Partners With The Toronto Rock

    Dunbar Medical Partners With The Toronto Rock

    Dunbar MedicalNov 13, 20171 min read

    Dunbar Medical is pleased to announce that it has reached an…