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Injured Soccer Player

Four Things To Do In The First 24 Hours Of Recovery After Injury

Dunbar MedicalApr 17, 20181 min read

The first 24 hours after a sports injury is the…

Athlete having his foot taped

Four Times To Use Athletic Taping

Dunbar MedicalMar 27, 20181 min read

Athletic taping is the practice of applying tape with compression…

Athlete holding injured knee

Choosing A Knee Brace For A Meniscus Tear

Dunbar MedicalMar 8, 20181 min read

Meniscus tears are some of the most commonly experienced knee…

How Compression Shorts Work

How Compression Shorts Work

Dunbar MedicalFeb 19, 20181 min read

Compression shorts are form-fitting garments with bands of sturdy fabric…

Ankle Brace For Instability

Ankle Instability: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Dunbar MedicalFeb 10, 20181 min read

Ankle instability is the condition associated with weak ligaments in…

How Does Graduated Compression Work

How Does Graduated Compression Work?

Dunbar MedicalJan 21, 20181 min read

Graduated compression is a typical and extremely effective way of…

How To Choose A Back Brace for Lower Back Pain

How To Choose A Back Brace for Lower Back Pain

Dunbar MedicalJan 18, 20181 min read

The lower spine is critically important to the health of…

Carpal tunnel syndrome, as illustrated here, can be a non diabetic cause of neuropathy

A Guide to Choosing A Carpal Tunnel Brace

Dunbar MedicalJan 1, 20181 min read

The median nerve and lots of tendons operate from the…