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The Mueller Sports Medicine EZ-Wrap is ideal for holding hot or cold packs and pads securely in place.
The Mueller Sports Medicine EZ-Wrap has been designed to quickly and effectively secure cold packs and pads in place immediately after an injury.
For best results, sports medicine professionals prefer to apply cold therapy immediately after an athlete has incurred a sports injury. This wrap allows an athletic trainer to immediately apply cold therapy and mild compression to an injury while remaining free to looking after other injured players in the middle of a game. At a later time, the trainer can replace the cold pack with heat therapy to continue the treatment.
Combining ice and mild compression immediately after a repetitive stress or other sports injury is an effective way to start the healing process immediately. The compression will provide improved blood circulation and speed the removal of lymphatic fluids from the injured area. In both cases, this will promote the reduction of pain and swelling and lead to an earlier recovery from injury.
The Mueller Sports Medicine EZ-Wrap allows quick and easy application of the cold pack. It also facilitates its quick removal and subsequent replacement with a heat pack at the appropriate time.
Before applying the wrap, please be sure to place your hot or cold pack securely in toweling or some other insulation. This avoids direct contact with the skin and eliminates the risk of skin burns or other forms of irritation.
Mueller Sports Medicine EZ-Wrap – Features
- Plastic wrap with 4 inch width to ensure maximum coverage
- 1000 foot long wrap provides long lasting usage. You can be sure that you will not run out of wrap in the middle of a game
- Mueller Sports Medicine has designed EZ-Wrap to be easy to use – just hold the handle and start wrapping.
- In addition to the heat or cold therapy, EZ-Wrap provides the additional therapeutical benefit of mild compression to reduce pain and swelling.
- Economical 10.1cm x 304.8m film
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