Splinter Forceps
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Common uses for splinter forceps include removing small fragments from a wound, removal and placement of wound closure strips, suture removal and holding suture ends prior to cutting.
Splinter forceps have many potential uses, including:
- Removal and insertion of wound closure adhesive strips (such as the Curity Adhesive Wound Closure Strips, for example);
- Removal of sutures;
- Isolation of small blood vessels for electrosurgical destruction;
- Holding suture ends before cutting.
In addition to the above uses, splinter forceps can also be useful for overall assistance when suturing (stitching) wounds. They are also useful for removing small foreign particles from wounds prior to the application of dressings.
These forceps can be either straight or curved. In curved form, they allow the user to access wounds in small areas such as the mouth when the use of straight forceps might make access difficult or impossible.
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