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Please bear in mind when reading the articles below that they represent our opinions only and should not be regarded as professional advice.

Athlete receiving treatment for a sports injury

Sports Injury Prevention: How To Get There In 5 Easy Steps

Dunbar MedicalMar 30, 20246 min read

In this post, we shall present 5 useful and interesting…

Middle aged woman using a proprioceptive pillow

Proprioception: 4 Important & Commonly Asked Questions

Dunbar MedicalDec 10, 202310 min read

In recent years, there has been a noticeable growth in…

Chinese woman physiotherapy professional giving a treatment to an attractive blond client in a bright medical office

Sports Physical Therapy: 5 Important Differences From Regular Physiotherapy

Dunbar MedicalSep 17, 20239 min read

In this article, we look at various aspects of sports…

Smiling female doctor using laptop and writing something while sitting at doctor's office.

5 Interesting Clinic Marketing Strategies For You To Consider

Dunbar MedicalAug 5, 20236 min read

In this article, we will examine 5 possible interesting clinic…

Patient in consultation with therapist who is taking notes on a pad.

5 Useful Criteria In Deciding Whether To Lease vs Buy Equipment For Your Clinic

Dunbar MedicalJul 23, 202310 min read

In this article, we will examine the factors involved in…