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Medical Articles
10 Valuable Guidelines For Choosing a Physical Therapy Treatment Table
In this article, we will look at the role played…
Laser Applicators & 6 Important Factors Involved In Choosing The Correct Applicator Size
Laser therapy has grown in use over recent years as…
Emergency Action Plans: 6 Compelling Reasons Your Team Should Consider Creating One
Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) and their role in athlete safety…
5 Surprising Ways Your Choice of Athletic Trainer Kit Bag Makes A Difference
An athletic trainer kit bag is a specialized bag or…
Revolutionizing Sports Medicine: 5 Powerful Applications of 3D Movement Imaging
In a previous post, we mentioned in passing the growth…
Chronic Disease Prevention & Psychosomatic Therapy – 2 Important Developments in Physical Therapy
In this post, we discuss two contemporary trends in physical…
How to Purchase Sports Medicine Clinic Equipment: 7 Useful Checkpoints
Opening a sports medicine clinic can be an exciting and…
How To Plan Your Weekly Sports Medicine Supply List – 7 Useful Pointers
If you are responsible for managing a sports medicine clinic,…