Gel Bunion Cushion

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The Oppo Medical Gel Bunion Cushion relieves bunion pressure by wrapping around the painful and sensitive part of the big toe and reducing the discomfort caused by it pressing against the other toes

SKU: OP6740

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The Oppo Medical Gel Bunion Cushion relieves bunion pressure and has a pad that adjusts itself to the contour of toe and toe joint.

A bunion is a deformity of the big toe joint that causes the big toe to bend towards the other toes. This is usually accompanied by the joint becoming increasingly sensitive or painful. The condition usually comes on gradually and may be accompanied by bursitis or arthritis. The precise cause of the deformity has not been established beyond doubt but a number of factors have been suggested. These include rheumatoid arthritis, excessively tight shoes and family history.

The Oppo Medical Gel Bunion Cushion wraps around the painful and sensitive part of the big toe and reduces the discomfort caused by it pressing against the other toes. You should remove the product once daily for a few minutes.

Orthotics like bunion cushions are effective for mild to moderate bunions, together with rest, ice and use of anti pain medications. However, for severe cases, your doctor may recommend more radical treatments like surgery. There are several different types of bunion surgery depending on the size of your bunion and the method chosen to correct it. Large bunions can require quite significant surgery and you may need to be on crutches for weeks afterward.

The bunion cushions are slim and lightweight. One size.

Oppo Medical Gel Bunion Cushion – Instructions

  1. Wash and dry your feet thoroughly. Ensure that they are free of any oils or lotions.
  2. Wrap the cushion directly over the bunion, making sure to cover the part of the big toe that presses against the other toes.
  3. If the pain persists, your condition may be too severe to be treted by bunion cushion. In that case, you should consult your podiatrist for specialty shoes, another orthotic device or even surgery.

Oppo Medical Gel Bunion Cushion – Indications

  • Painful, sensitive part of big toe
  • Bunions


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