High Volt Probe & Sponge Covered Applicators

A lightweight high volt probe plus 2 sponge covered applicator tips  (15 mm and 8 mm sizes)

SKU: CH-79977

Included in this kit are one lightweight high volt probe and 2 sponge covered applicator tips  (15 mm and 8 mm sizes). The probe is a great tool for directing electrotherapy precisely to a muscle trigger point in order to relieve spasms and/or reduce pain. Precise targeting is particularly valuable when dealing with small areas and/or treatment of edema. Designed for use with the Intelect High Volt Simulator devices.

High-volt probes, also known as high-voltage probes or HV probes, are specialized components used in electrotherapy to deliver electrical stimulation to specific areas of the body for therapeutic purposes. They are typically associated with high-voltage pulsed electrical stimulation (HVPS) devices and are used in various clinical and rehabilitation settings.

How Are High Volt Probes Used In Electrotherapy?

Patient Assessment

– Before using a high-volt probe, a healthcare professional assesses the patient’s medical history, condition, and specific treatment needs. The treatment plan is determined based on the patient’s diagnosis and the desired therapeutic outcomes.

Electrode Placement

– High volt probes are applied to specific anatomical locations on the patient’s body. The placement of the electrodes depends on the targeted area for treatment and the type of electrotherapy being performed.
– Electrodes may be placed directly on the skin or positioned over a layer of conductive gel or electrode sponges to improve conductivity and patient comfort.

High Voltage Pulse Generation

– High-volt probes are connected to an electrotherapy device that generates high-voltage electrical pulses. These pulses are typically short-duration and can vary in frequency and intensity depending on the treatment protocol.
– The device allows the healthcare professional to control the parameters of the electrical stimulation, such as pulse width, frequency, and duration, to tailor the treatment to the patient’s needs.

Application of Electrical Stimulation

– Once the electrodes are properly positioned and the parameters are set, the high-volt probe delivers electrical stimulation to the targeted area. The electrical pulses penetrate the skin and underlying tissues, reaching the nerves, muscles, or other structures.
– High-volt probes can be used for various purposes, including pain management, muscle rehabilitation, neuromuscular reeducation, and wound healing. The specific treatment goals will determine the stimulation parameters.

Monitoring and Adjustment

– During the electrotherapy session, the healthcare professional closely monitors the patient’s response to the treatment. This may involve assessing the patient’s comfort level, muscle contractions, or pain relief.
– If necessary, the parameters of the electrical stimulation can be adjusted to optimize the therapy and ensure that the patient receives the intended benefits.

Post-Treatment Evaluation

– After the electrotherapy session, the patient’s response to treatment is evaluated, and any changes in symptoms or functional improvements are documented.
– The frequency and duration of electrotherapy sessions are determined based on the treatment plan and the patient’s progress.

It’s important to note that the use of high volt probes and electrotherapy devices should be carried out by trained healthcare professionals who have a thorough understanding of the equipment and treatment protocols. Safety precautions, proper electrode placement, and patient comfort are essential considerations when using high-volt probes in electrotherapy. Additionally, treatment should always be administered in accordance with established clinical guidelines and under the supervision of qualified medical personnel.


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