TENA Cleansing Cream

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TENA Cleansing Cream offers a skin friendly alternative to soap and water for hygiene and incontinence care and also provides moisture and nourishment to delicate skin.


TENA Cleansing Cream offers an alternative to soap and water that will help to protect, sooothe and nourish sensitive and/or vulnerable skin. This is particularly useful  to elderly individuals with delicate skin.

The cream is useful not just for general hygiene but also as an incontinence solution.

It also offers the advantage of not requiring rinsing or toweling during use. This further helps to protect delicate skin.

The nourishing quality of the cream comes from its precise ph balance.

TENA Cream is available in either scented or scent free forms. It can be purchased as a 5mL satchet, 250 mL tube or 1000mL bottle.

Those in charge of caring for an elderly relative will find that TENA cleansing cream is the ideal solution to keeping their loved one comfortable, clean and dry.


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