Tapis d'exercice

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Cando Exercise mats are waterproof and made from colorful, non-leaching, soft and resilient closed-cell foam. Mat dimensions are 24″ wide x 72″ long x .6″ thick.


The CanDo® Exercise Mat boasts superior comfort, quality, and durability to other equivalent products while being sufficiently lightweight and sturdy for commercial use by health and fitness clubs.

These exercise mats are waterproof and made from colorful, non-leaching, soft and resilient closed-cell foam.

They are versatile enough to be used for several purposes including yoga, exercise, and Pilates-style workouts.

Dimensions are 24″ wide x 72″ long x .6″ thick. Despite these generous dimensions, the mats can be rolled into a compact 24″ long x 8″ diameter roll for easy transportation.

These mats are also latex free for added user comfort and peace of mind.


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