Genouillère Multi Sport Mueller
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Les genouillères Mueller protègent les personnes actives contre les contusions, les bosses, les éraflures ou les brûlures causées par le frottement contre le court ou le gazon.
Multi Sport Mueller Knee Pads such as this one will protect athletes from bruises, bumps or scrapes or burns causes by rubbing against the court or turf. Its elastic material makes it easy to slide on and provides a custom fit. It has an extra long elastic sleeve and extra long high density pads that conform easily to the knee. The knee pad has a non tear shell with fully sewn ends. One size. Fits knee circumferences from 12″-18″ (30cm -45cm).
Mueller knee pads can be worn during activities such as skateboarding, volleyball, handball, cycling and even cricket. They protect participants in these activities from injuries (such as turf burn) caused by falls, hitting an obstacle or prolonged periods of kneeling.
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