Montane Andes 7 Section Treatment Table - Beige

4 Signs that your Clinic Needs a Treatment Table Upgrade

Treatment tables are used in various medical practices and clinics, such as pediatric clinics, chiropractic tables, and many others. An important thing to consider in your treatment table is the configuration of the table. If you are using a table that is not completely compatible with the kind of treatment that you are offering, it is a good idea to look into more options and consider replacing it with a new one. The conventional formats of the tables generally include hi-low tables, standard tables or the combination tables. Due to the wide range of applications, the standard tables are the most commonly used options. Here are some of the most important signs that you must look for which can indicate that it is about time you consider a treatment table upgrade.

The condition of the table

A condition of the table can be a very obvious first impression on the visitor. It may leave a bad reputation of your clinic and your brand if the condition is outdated, the cushion is starting to press, the leather of the seat is starting to tear and wear, the paint on the steel is getting off from different places, or the wood that is used is starting to crumble. Medical clinics are expected to be sophisticated and the condition of your tables must be brand new. Apart from the condition, you may also consider the design to see if it has gotten too old or plain.

The Features of the table

After the condition, you must look into the features that your table is offering. Different tables offer different features. Some tables may have the features that others do not have and vice versa. That is okay because you are not looking for all the features in a single product. What you need to focus on is that you get the maximum number of features that are relevant and useful to you. Automation features can now almost be regarded as a must-have. Here are the greatest features that you can now have in a table that you must look for.

  • Increased weight capacity
  • Steel frame and strong design for more support
  • Multiple format tables
  • Increased space for storage
  • Foldable tables that take lesser spaces by folding in some components
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Improved selection of upholstery
  • Hi-low tables with a dual design for a table and chair.
  • Pneumatic pumps for movement of the table
  • Colors that match your treatment room theme
  • Improved comfort and durability with multiple types of vinyl covering
  • Multiple draws in a single treatment table
  • If your tables provide few or none of these features, It is a good idea to consider a treatment table upgrade to a newer and modern design.

The responses of your patients

It is a good idea to record what your patients say about your clinic and your table. If you find the visitors complaining about the discomfort being caused due to the table or if they are reluctant to use it, you must consider a treatment table upgrade. Here are some of the things that you or your customers may find to be problematic.

  • The customer or you may note that the table is not as comfortable as the others are.
  • Despite multiple formats, the bed is not present in different sizes for the diversity of patients
  • The high price of the table is just not worth it.
  • Not suitable for bariatric patients
  • The table is not capable of holding as much as three hundred pounds of weight
  • Quicker to show wearing and tearing compared to other tables
  • Unable to keep up with the highly demanding clinical practices
  • The additional features that should be offered with the table are few or completely absent

It is not fulfilling the purpose effectively

As an obvious sign, if your treatment table is not doing all that you want it to do, there is always a better tool option out there and you are better off with a new one for your convenience. You have to work with the table throughout the day and you probably need to do every single thing hundreds of times for each patient. In such cases, even a little change in features can make a great difference and save up on a lot of your time. For instance, if your table requires you to spend as little as 30 to 45 second for changing the format of the table for each patient and you are seeing around 150 to 200 patients, you are spending 1 hour 40 minutes to as much as 2 hours and thirty minutes on doing just that. We don’t often realize in our everyday routine the amount of time we can save by bringing little changes. This is only one of the features we are considering, and there can be many.

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