Best Ankle Brace For Running

Five Ways An Ankle Brace For Running Aids Injury Recovery

An ankle injury is just about the most devastating health issue for runners. It can be a notoriously persistent type of injury, and that’s before you stretch your joints to the limit as a runner. However, if you are a runner and have suffered from an ankle injury, hope is not lost. Below are five…

Comment choisir la meilleure genouillère pour la course à pied

Comment choisir la meilleure genouillère pour la course à pied

Knee pain is a familiar foe to most avid runners. In fact, about 40 percent of running injuries are knee injuries and 13 percent of runners have experienced knee pain in the past year, according to a survey by Runner’s World. In this post, we take a look at four of the most common knee injuries…

Femme malheureuse souffrant de douleurs au coude et à l'avant-bras, examinée par un médecin

Jeunes athlètes et blessures au coude : 3 faits importants à connaître

It is no secret that children are becoming involved in high-level training and sports at younger ages than previously. Kids are also beginning to specialize in their chosen sports at younger ages than earlier generations. There are many potential consequences to this trend, both positive and negative. One of these is a higher injury rate…