Ballon de médecine à une poignée

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Le Medicine Ball à une poignée est conçu pour supporter les entraînements abdominaux les plus exigeants.

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CanDo® One Handle Medicine Ball is ideal for core and abdominal training that includes rotational movement and strength training.  It has an ideally sized handle for a total body workout that includes core and torso exercises.

A one handle medicine ball, also known as a single-handle medicine ball, offers unique benefits and versatile uses in fitness training, sports performance, rehabilitation, and functional movement exercises. Here are some of its key benefits and uses:


  • Improved Grip Strength: The single handle design allows for focused grip strength training, enhancing hand and forearm strength, which can translate to improved performance in various sports and activities.
  • Enhanced Stability: Using a single-handle medicine ball requires greater stabilization and control, engaging core muscles and promoting balance and stability throughout the body.
  • Functional Movement Training: Incorporating a single-handle medicine ball into workouts helps to mimic real-life movement patterns, promoting functional strength and agility that translates to everyday activities and sports performance.
  • Versatility: The single-handle design adds versatility to exercise routines, allowing for a wide range of exercises targeting different muscle groups and movement patterns, including rotational movements, throws, and dynamic core exercises.
  • Core Engagement: Many exercises performed with a one handle medicine ball require dynamic core stabilization, helping to strengthen the abdominals, obliques, and lower back muscles, which are essential for maintaining proper posture and preventing injury.
  • Increased Range of Motion: Performing exercises with a single-handle medicine ball often involves a greater range of motion compared to traditional weightlifting exercises, promoting flexibility and joint mobility.
  • Multi-Planar Movement: The single-handle design facilitates multi-planar movement patterns, allowing for exercises that target muscles from different angles and directions, promoting balanced muscle development and functional movement capacity.
  • Portability: Single-handle medicine balls are compact and lightweight, making them easy to transport and store, whether at home, in the gym, or while traveling, providing a convenient option for on-the-go workouts.


  • Rotational Exercises: Single-handle medicine balls are ideal for rotational exercises such as wood chops, Russian twists, and diagonal chops, which help to strengthen the core and improve rotational power and agility.
  • Throwing and Catching Drills: Incorporating single-handle medicine ball throws and catches into training routines helps to develop explosive power, coordination, and reaction time, making it beneficial for athletes in sports such as basketball, baseball, and tennis.
  • Dynamic Core Workouts: Using a one handle medicine ball for exercises like plank rotations, standing twists, and seated oblique twists adds intensity and challenge to core workouts, promoting functional core strength and stability.
  • Rehabilitation: Single-handle medicine balls can be used in rehabilitation programs to improve joint stability, range of motion, and functional movement patterns in individuals recovering from injuries or surgeries, under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
  • Balance and Coordination: Incorporating single-handle medicine ball exercises into balance and coordination drills helps to challenge proprioception and spatial awareness, enhancing overall balance and coordination skills.
  • Full-Body Strength Training: Single-handle medicine balls can be used for full-body strength training exercises such as lunges with a twist, single-leg deadlifts, and overhead presses, providing a functional and efficient workout for multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

In summary, a one handle medicine ball offers a wide range of benefits and uses, including improved grip strength, enhanced stability, functional movement training, and dynamic core workouts, making it a valuable tool for individuals of all fitness levels and goals.


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