Suggested Therapy Pillow Products

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  • Cervical Support Pillow (a.k. a cervical pillow)

    Cervical Support Pillow

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    • Typically Ships in 1-2 Weeks

    The Sammons Preston  cervical pillow optimizes neck support and spinal alignment for better sleep.

  • HydroHug Water PillowHydroHug DrySoak Hot Water Pillow

    HydroHug DrySoak Hot Water Pillow

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    • Typically Ships in 1-2 Weeks

    The HydroHug Water Pillow comes with many attractive features, including a unique HydroHug system to maintain heat or cold for extended durations and a 5-gallon capacity with a spacious 21″ x 23″ heating and cooling surface area. It is ideal for alleviating muscle tension, improving circulation, and promoting relaxation.