Quatre raisons pour lesquelles le port d'une orthèse dorsale aujourd'hui peut éviter des douleurs plus tard

Quatre façons dont une orthèse dorsale peut prévenir de futures douleurs dorsales

When most people hear the phrase ‘back brace’ they usually associate it with aches, pains and misery, but it’s time this negative connotation ended. Investing in a back brace and wearing it in certain everyday situations can prevent future injuries and save you from becoming one of the seven million Canadians that experience back pain every year. The following are four common scenarios in which wearing orthopedic back braces can save you and your back. We also provide suggestions for which back support is best for the activity in which you are participating.

Back Brace For The Nine-To-Fiver

Muscle pain is often caused by repetitive movements and for the majority of people in today’s workforce, one of these repetitive actions is sitting at a desk for seven to nine hours a day. Spending most of the day seated in a desk chair can be an extremely uncomfortable experience, not to mention the potential damage to your back. Even if you don’t suffer from back pain after a long day at work right now, the odds are that you will at some point. Maintaining good posture and providing your back with adequate support will go a long way to avoiding back pain as the weeks, months and years go by. A back brace can meet all these needs – it can support your back and assist you to achieve and maintain proper posture. It can also reduce pain.

Maintaining good posture is one of the most essential, but often one of the most difficult, elements when sitting at a desk for most of the day. Utilizing a back brace for posture can do wonders to the small aches and pains you may experience throughout the work day and can keep them from becoming big aches and pains. Back braces that strap around your shoulders (almost like a backpack) and run down your back can help you to retrain your posture and keep you from hunching over your keyboard. This kind of brace will correct rounded shoulders and tight chest muscles and keep back pain away.