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  • Gladiateur Bio Skin - Fermeture frontale
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    Gladiateur - Fermeture sur le devant

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    Protection des ligaments du genou

    Le Bio Skin Gladiator - Front Closure utilise une charnière rigide pour protéger efficacement les ligaments du genou, y compris après une reconstruction. Le système de sangles rigides ancre fermement le Gladiator à la jambe, évitant ainsi le recours à des attelles plus longues et moins confortables. Les goupilles des charnières peuvent facilement être réglées pour limiter la flexion et/ou l'extension.

  • Bio Skin Groin Wrap
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    Groin Wrap

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    The Bio Skin Groin Wrap is made to be used in conjunction with Bio Skin’s Compression Shorts to provide additional compression and support to damaged groin, hip flexor or upper hamstring muscles, tendons or ligaments.


  • Strap de contrôle de l'hallux Bio Skin
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    Sangle de contrôle de l'hallux

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    Attelle - Maintient l'hallux en position neutre pendant la phase critique de cicatrisation des tissus mous après l'oignonectomie.
    Etirements - Etire les tendons extenseurs après la cicatrisation primaire afin d'améliorer la mobilité et de permettre une marche normale.
    Renforcement - Fournit une résistance aux patients pour renforcer le FHL afin d'obtenir un bon décollage des orteils.

    La sangle de contrôle de l'hallux Bio Skin est montrée attachée à l'enveloppe de compression calibrée pour le médio-pied. La HCS est également compatible avec l'AFTR, l'AFTR DC et l'AFTR avec gel.

  • Peau de genou articulée Bio Skin
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    Peau de genou articulée

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    Léger et discret pour plus de confort

    Notre peau de genou articulée Bio Skin est l'une des genouillères articulées les plus légères disponibles sur le marché. Les charnières bicentriques décalées épousent la forme de la jambe et apportent un soutien supplémentaire aux genoux présentant des lésions ligamentaires. La genouillère Hinged Knee Skin offre une excellente compression pour contrôler l'enflure et la douleur causées par une déchirure du ménisque ou une blessure du LCL ou du MCL, et pour accélérer le processus de guérison d'une articulation du genou endommagée.


  • Peau de genou articulée Bio Skin - Fermeture frontale
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    Peau de genou à charnière - Fermeture frontale

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    Soutien structurel pour l'instabilité du genou

    Notre peau de genou articulée Bio Skin - fermeture frontale est l'une des genouillères articulées les plus légères disponibles sur le marché. Les charnières bicentriques décalées épousent la forme de la jambe et apportent un soutien supplémentaire aux genoux présentant des lésions ligamentaires. La peau de genou à charnière offre une excellente compression pour contrôler l'enflure et la douleur causées par une déchirure du ménisque ou une blessure du LCL ou du MCL, et pour accélérer le processus de guérison d'une articulation du genou endommagée.

  • Hot/Cold Gel Pad

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    The Bio Skin Hot/Cold Gel Pad is used for heat and cold therapy.
  • Bio Skin Lumbar Foam Pad
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    Lumbar Foam Pad

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    The Bio Skin Lumbar Foam Pad fits into the Bio Skin® Back Skin™ System and offers pain relieving support to the lower spine. Customize your back treatment with our selection of lumbar support options.
  • Attelle de nuit Bio Skin
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    Attelle nocturne pour soulager la fasciite plantaire

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    L'attelle de nuit Bio Skin apporte confort et soutien au cadre dorsal avec la fonctionnalité et le soulagement d'une attelle postérieure. Elle est dotée d'une charnière articulée qui permet un réglage fonctionnel pendant la rééducation. Elle offre également un soulagement ergonomique de la malléole grâce à une zone métatarsienne large et souple qui empêche la constriction des orteils.

  • BioSkin OA Spiral Unloader Knee Brace
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    OA Spiral Dynamic Unloading Knee Brace

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    Relieve your patients’ tibiofemoral and patellofemoral OA pain with the BioSkin OA Spiral Knee Brace. It provides clinically validated pain relief and is easy to fit, apply and use. Made in the USA.

  • Bio Skin Patella Stabilizer
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    Stabilisateur de rotule

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    The Bio Skin Patella Stabilizer is an excellent choice to treat anterior knee pain and other knee problems. Constructed from Bio Skin’s patented, breathable materials, the patella stabilizer gives excellent compression to control swelling and decrease pain in the knee. The donut shaped buttresses stabilize the patella and help keep swelling away from the knee joint. The brace is comfortable to wear and stays in place even during vigorous activity.

  • Bio Skin Patella Stabilizer with Conforma Hinge
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    Patella Stabilizer with Conforma Hinge

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    Relief and support for sore knees with performance foam patellar ring

    The Bio Skin Patella Stabilizer with Conforma Hinge is an excellent choice to treat anterior knee pain and other knee problems. Constructed from Bio Skin’s patented, breathable materials, the patella stabilizer gives excellent compression to control swelling and decrease pain in the knee. The donut shaped buttresses stabilize the patella and help keep swelling away from the knee joint. The brace is comfortable to wear and stays in place even during vigorous activity.

  • Botte de marche pneumatique Bio Skin
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    Botte de marche pneumatique

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    La botte de marche pneumatique Bio Skin permet une immobilisation post-chirurgicale du pied et de la cheville. Elle diminue également la douleur et protège le pied pour une meilleure rééducation.

  • Bio Skin Premium J
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    Premium J

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    Patella subluxation and patellofemoral pain treatment

    The Bio Skin Premium J combines function, comfort and affordability. Constructed from Bio Skin`s breathable materials, the Premium J gives excellent compression without causing discomfort. A buttress on the outside of the patella prevents patella subluxation and knee dislocation. The two elastic straps that cross over the knee help seat the patella in the trochlear groove to increase surface contact area and decrease patellofemoral pain.

  • Bio Skin Premium J with Conforma Hinge
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    Premium J with Conforma Hinge

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    Patella subluxation and patellofemoral pain treatment

    The Bio Skin Premium J with Conforma Hinge combines function, comfort, and affordability. Constructed from Bio Skin’s breathable materials, the Premium J gives excellent compression without causing discomfort. A buttress on the outside of the patella prevents patella subluxation and knee dislocation. The two elastic straps that cross over the knee help seat the patella in the trochlear groove to increase surface contact area and decrease patellofemoral painPremium J with Conforma Hinge – Protection against patellar subluxation



  • BioSkin Q Baby Patella Tendon Strap
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    Q Bébé

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    Petallar tendonitis and osgood-schlatter disease treatment

    The BioSkin Q Baby Patella Tendon Strap is an ultra-low profile patella tendon strap constructed from Bio Skin’s micro-fleece-lined Ultima 2SL™ material. The Q Baby wraps comfortably around the knee, just below the patella. The design includes a uniquely shaped silicon pad that fits over the patellar tendon to give compression


  • Bio Skin Q Brace
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    Q Brace

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    Q Brace – Adjustable support for patellofemoral pain

    The Bio Skin Q Brace is designed to reduce the pain of mild to moderate patellofemoral problems. The Q Brace`s T Strap places gentle, lateral pressure on the patella to prevent subluxation (dislocation) and to help maintain the patella in its proper position. Constructed from Bio Skin`s breathable materials, the Q Brace gives excellent compression without causing discomfort.


  • Bio Skin Q Brace Front Closure
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    Q Brace Front Closure

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    Multi-directional patella tracking knee brace

    The Bio Skin Q Brace Front Closure is designed to reduce the pain of mild to moderate patellofemoral problems. The Q Brace’s t-strap places gentle, lateral pressure on the patella to prevent subluxation (dislocation) and to help maintain the patella in its proper position. Constructed from Bio Skin’s breathable materials, the Q Brace gives excellent compression without causing discomfort.


  • Bio Skin Q Brace with Conforma Hinge

    Q Brace with Conforma Hinge

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    Adjustable support for patellofemoral pain

    The Bio Skin Q Brace with Conforma Hinge is designed to reduce the pain of mild to moderate patellofemoral problems. The Q Brace’s t-strap places gentle, lateral pressure on the patella to prevent subluxation (dislocation) and to help maintain the patella in its proper position. Constructed from Bio Skin’s breathable materials, the Q Brace with Conforma Hinge gives excellent compression without causing discomfort.


  • Bio Skin Q Brace with Conforma Hinge

    Q Brace with Conforma Hinge – Front Closure

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    Adjustable support for patellofemoral pain

    The Bio Skin Q Brace with Conforma Hinge – Front Closure is designed to reduce the pain of mild to moderate patellofemoral problems. The Q Brace’s t-strap places gentle, lateral pressure on the patella to prevent subluxation (dislocation) and to help maintain the patella in its proper position. Constructed from Bio Skin’s breathable materials, the Q Brace with Conforma Hinge gives excellent compression without causing discomfort.



  • Bio Skin Q Lok
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    Q Lok

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    Q Lok – Dynamic Patella Traction System

    The Bio Skin Q Lok is designed to diminish the effects and aid in the rehabilitation of patellofemoral pain. Patellofemoral pain is caused by improper tracking between the patella (knee-cap) and the femur. The superior compression and unique strapping system of the Q Lok push the patella back into the correct position in the trochlear notch at the end of the femur. A properly positioned patella spreads the force in the joint over a large surface and decreases pain and wear on the joint. Constructed from Bio Skin`s breathable materials, the Q Lok gives excellent compression without causing discomfort.

  • Bio Skin Q Lok Front Closure
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    Q Lok Front Closure

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    Q Lok – Dynamic Patella Traction System

    The Bio Skin Q Lok Front Closure is designed to diminish the effects and aid in the rehabilitation of patellofemoral pain. Patellofemoral pain is caused by improper tracking between the patella (knee-cap) and the femur. The superior compression and unique strapping system of the Q Lok push the patella back into the correct position in the trochlear notch at the end of the femur. A properly positioned patella spreads the force in the joint over a large surface and decreases pain and wear on the joint. Constructed from Bio Skin`s breathable materials, the Q Lok gives excellent compression without causing discomfort.


  • Bio Skin Q Lok ROM
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    Q Lok ROM

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    Maximum patellofemoral pain relief with SlimLok ROM hinge

    The Bio Skin Q Lok ROM aids in the rehabilitation of patellofemoral joint while preventing subluxation and further dislocation during everyday activity. The high-level compression and dynamic patella traction strap make this brace ideal for patients suffering from a high Q angle, chronic pain from patella tilt, glide and malalignment. The thin, ½ inch range-of-motion hinge gives the option of limiting flexion and extension of the knee. Comfort is a key feature of this brace with a combination of Bio Skin’s breathable material and an enhanced single-layer lycra portion that is pre-tensioned to prevent chafing, irritation and bunching behind the knee. This Cirrus™ material also enhances the grip of the traction strap to ensure patellar control.

  • Bio Skin Standard Ankle Skin
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    Standard Ankle Skin

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    The Bio Skin Standard Ankle Skin is an all-purpose ankle support that provides compression, added stability and increased proprioception.

  • Bio Skin Standard Elbow Skin
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    Standard Elbow Skin

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    The Bio Skin Standard Elbow Skin provides full elbow coverage and optimal compression for treatment of elbow pain caused from contusion, bursitis, and joint swelling. Constructed from Bio Skin’s patented thin, breathable, Ultima™ material, which keeps you cool and dry and quickly wicks moisture away from the skin