Man wearing tennis elbow brace

Choosing An Elbow Brace For Tennis Elbow: 3 Important Things To Know

Tennis elbow is the more commonly used name for lateral epicondylitis, which is a repetitive stress injury that occurs usually a result of repetitive movements of the wrist and arm. One example of this is when a baseball pitcher throws inning after inning of fastballs. Another could be a factory worker stationed on the assembly…

Dunbar Medical s'associe au Toronto Rock

Dunbar Medical s'associe au Toronto Rock

Dunbar Medical is pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement to be the official supplier of medical products to the National Lacrosse League’s (NLL) Toronto Rock.  As the official supplier, Dunbar Medical will be responsible for providing the Toronto Rock with the medical equipment and supplies needed to keep their players in peak condition…

Quatre avantages de l'utilisation d'une chevillère en cas d'entorse

Quatre avantages de l'utilisation d'une chevillère en cas d'entorse

If you’ve had the misfortune of experiencing an ankle sprain, you know that it can wreak havoc on your body and quality of life. It is extremely important to pay special attention to properly recovering from a sprain, consult a medical expert and be diligent in your recovery program. We have divided the recovery process into…

Comment fonctionnent les bas de compression ?

Comment fonctionnent les bas de compression ?

In recent years, compression clothing has become the new buzzword in the world of sports medicine. Compression wear can take many forms including compression socks, compression stockings or compression shorts. In general, compression apparel is wearable gear specifically developed to help manage injuries such as muscle, ligament and tendon damage. Compression stockings and socks belong to…

Comment choisir la meilleure genouillère pour la course à pied

Comment choisir la meilleure genouillère pour la course à pied

Knee pain is a familiar foe to most avid runners. In fact, about 40 percent of running injuries are knee injuries and 13 percent of runners have experienced knee pain in the past year, according to a survey by Runner’s World. In this post, we take a look at four of the most common knee injuries…

Quatre raisons pour lesquelles le port d'une orthèse dorsale aujourd'hui peut éviter des douleurs plus tard

Quatre façons dont une orthèse dorsale peut prévenir de futures douleurs dorsales

When most people hear the phrase ‘back brace’ they usually associate it with aches, pains and misery, but it’s time this negative connotation ended. Investing in a back brace and wearing it in certain everyday situations can prevent future injuries and save you from becoming one of the seven million Canadians that experience back pain…

Femme malheureuse souffrant de douleurs au coude et à l'avant-bras, examinée par un médecin

Jeunes athlètes et blessures au coude : 3 faits importants à connaître

It is no secret that children are becoming involved in high-level training and sports at younger ages than previously. Kids are also beginning to specialize in their chosen sports at younger ages than earlier generations. There are many potential consequences to this trend, both positive and negative. One of these is a higher injury rate…

Poignet Bio Skin

Les avantages et les risques du port d'une attelle de poignet

There is no such thing as one-size-fits-all when it comes to guiding an individual through the injury recovery process, especially when it comes to the wrist. What may work for one person and his/her wrist injury may not be as effective on another person with the same or a similar wrist injury. Educating yourself and…

Ankle Injury Setbacks

Three Common Ankle Injury Setbacks

Injury setbacks are an all-too-common occurrence during the recovery process, although they happen more often to individuals who have injured a joint, especially the ankle. Ankle injuries can be varied and can range from sprains and breaks to tendinitis and ligament tears. Ankle injury setbacks are common because of the difficulty in both (a) immobilizing…