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Medical Articles

    Female athlete getting injured during athletic run training - Male coach taking care on sport pupil after physical accident - Team care concept with young sporty people facing mishaps casualty

    5 Common Sports Injuries & How To Fight Them At Home

    Dunbar MedicalApr 7, 20244 min read

    In this post, we will list 5 common sports injuries and describe their symptoms in order to help someone who may be suffering from one of them to recognize the…

    Athlete receiving treatment for a sports injury

    Sports Injury Prevention: How To Get There In 5 Easy Steps

    Dunbar MedicalMar 30, 20246 min read

    In this post, we shall present 5 useful and interesting home based sports injury prevention tips that we hope will be useful to anyone responsible for treating athletes or physically…

    Middle aged woman using a proprioceptive pillow

    Proprioception: 4 Important & Commonly Asked Questions

    Dunbar MedicalDec 10, 202310 min read

    In recent years, there has been a noticeable growth in the recognition of the importance of the role of proprioception in sports medicine. In this post, we will first describe…

    Young attractive female lying on medical couch while getting professional manual therapy

    Manual Therapy Techniques: 4 Important Questions About Their Role In Sports Medicine

    Dunbar MedicalNov 25, 202311 min read

    Manual therapy has been an important part of sports medicine for most of its history. In this article, we will raise 4 important questions on the role of manual therapy…

    Chinese woman physiotherapy professional giving a treatment to an attractive blond client in a bright medical office

    Sports Physical Therapy: 5 Important Differences From Regular Physiotherapy

    Dunbar MedicalSep 17, 20239 min read

    In this article, we look at various aspects of sports physical therapy including its history, the scope of injuries and treatments that it covers and how it differs from regular…

    Physiotherapist helping female patient with balance exercise in sports medicine clinic.

    Sports Medicine Clinics: What They Do & 5 Useful Keys To Their Successful Management

    Dunbar MedicalAug 19, 20236 min read

    In this post, we describe the services offered by a sports medicine clinic to athletes and active individuals and suggest 5 keys to successfully running one. Why Have Sports Medicine…

    Smiling female doctor using laptop and writing something while sitting at doctor's office.

    5 Interesting Clinic Marketing Strategies For You To Consider

    Dunbar MedicalAug 5, 20236 min read

    In this article, we will examine 5 possible interesting clinic marketing strategies that may help you boost revenues for your healthcare business. 5 Suggested Clinic Marketing Strategies Innovative marketing strategies…

    Patient in consultation with therapist who is taking notes on a pad.

    5 Useful Criteria In Deciding Whether To Lease vs Buy Equipment For Your Clinic

    Dunbar MedicalJul 23, 202310 min read

    In this article, we will examine the factors involved in deciding whether to lease vs buy equipment for your clinic. We will start by exploring the key advantages of each…